Spinners for Semester Exam
22mm bearing - 22mm wide x 7mm with 8MM inner radius
Quarter Twenty Nut
Choose the document you want to complete.
Create a folder in your home folder called FirstName_LastName
Follow the instructions of the drawing to create the fidget spinner part.
Save the file in your home folder with your initials.
Modify the spinner in at least three distinct ways of your choosing.
Create an assembly of your spinner and inserting the correct number of bearings and/or nuts.
Save the file in your home folder.
Create a drawing of your fidget spinner with four views: front, top, right and isometric.
Save the file in your home folder.
Create a ZIP file of all the parts, assembly and drawings.
- Fidget spinner part
- Final assembly
- Bearings, plug and/or nuts used in your fidget spinner
- Drawing
Submit the ZIPPED file in Google Classroom.